Wednesday, March 23, 2011

C2E2 ... just wow....

So I am sitting here looking at a blank page, trying to figure out how to summarize this weekend at C2E2. It would be impossible to articulate the amazing gratitude I feel toward so many people I met and spoke with this week. It was the first time I truly felt like a comic artist. It was an amazing weekend.

Would like thank everyone that came to my booth this weekend showing so much amazing support to what me and my friends are doing.

The weekend start off on friday morning before I had my booth even set up, getting to meet the guy I have working for, for the last two years Ted Adams of IDW. I honestly could sit here and write a book about how great it was to meet him and talk with him, everything you hear about him being a nice guy are all under-exaggerated, he is unbelievably nice !

Then there are the whole entire Comics Pipeline family, and again I could write a book about this as well Marcus, Kris, Tony, Talent, Dirk , Jay, Tyler, little pete, Janna, Seth the list go's on and on, just outstanding talented people from every angle. No one had any big ego's, it was all amazing fun.

But then there is Ben.... yeah that Templesmith guy and the amazing Molly Mclsaac... what can I say here. Just outstanding people. It strange to meet someone that you have really loved their artwork so much for so long, and to top it all off they are such an incredible person. I think we all had dinner 3 times this weekend ? Or something like that ? The best was Sat night where it was me , my amazing wife , Molly, Ben , Karsa and Kelly went to Chalkboard ( thank you Gill ) and had a fantastic time, just basically talking art the whole time, oil paint, watercolor, line art, and .... well projects... ( more on that later ) And whoa that Molly ! That girl can talk to to death with amazing authority on history , photography , painting, writing etc etc not that that is surprising , it was just great to be around. Again I could write a book on this. What an amazing time !

I also had the pleasure of speaking with Scott Allie this weekend when he walked over to my booth, another remarkably nice guy. Was Great fun talking with him. Had a GREAT talk with Ben McCool who has written some AMAZING books, another amazing person. Got an interview with MTV geek , which there is a story there... not sure if I can tell it.... Just an over all overwhelming weekend. Best Con yet.

I am living my childhood dream.

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